Why we must stay Motivated

It’s nearly dark by 4pm and it’s muddy and wet outside. How can you persuade your children, that fresh air is good.

Some children will not be phased by the current world crisis, while others will have plonked themselves down in front of the X-Box vowing, we shall not be moved! This is really aimed at the latter. The unphased amongst them do not need motivating. They are happy to be out on their bike with their one friend. What about the ones that need a little gentle encouragement.

There is motivation in every child. But the motivation in some is to resist. The motivation is to do things their way, not yours. This way they control the outcome.

I read many articles on motivation or lack of it in our children. The problem I found , there was not one clear answer. I am sure it helps if we are able to stay calm and be patient, try not to shout and reward the good, but that is easier said than done, is it not?

What forms of persuasion should you use? Do you tempt them with a financial incentive? Over the last 12 months the stakes have gradually increased, you actually find you not able to afford the financial option. £20 to walk the dog seems a little extreme if you ask me. You may as well call in the professionals.

One of the solutions is to try and find out what motivates them. There must be something. Leading by example is a good place to start, that way everyone is a winner. A family bike ride, a family run or a family dog walk.

The weather will start to improve at some point, as will the darkness. During the winter months you can witness some spectacular crispy days, but if you stay indoors you will miss them. Children quite often take their lead from their parents. If you take comfort under the duvet, so will they.

Fresh air and exercise are well known to help with mental wellbeing. As is structure of some kind. Virtual entertainment is known to have the opposite effect on mental health. If you or some of your family members are really struggling in this current crisis, this is a link to the Mind website with some great tips, information & support.

Is has been reported, one of the reasons, we as a Nation have been so badly hit with the Corona Virus has something to do with our general health. We are, in the UK,  a fairly unhealthy bunch and this 3rd National Lockdown has not helped our motivation to exercise, just the opposite. This Lancet Article made for some sobering reading.

We must stay active to help us to stay healthy. Whatever you need to do to get you and your family jumping up and down in your kitchen or taking in the local footpaths, just get out and do it.


Stay healthy, keep moving & let’s beat this.



Angela Armitage